Standard Ends are available in 200, 202 and 206 diameter in both Standard Ring Pull (SRP) and
Stay on Tab (SOT), with the option of standard or large pour opening.
Interchangeable Super Ends (ISE)
Our Interchangeable Super Ends (ISE) are the latest Lightweight Ends that were developed by CROWN,
the pioneer of Ends Light-weighting. ISE Ends are available in 202 diameters in both Standard Ring Pull (SRP)
and Stay on Tab (SOT) as well as 200 diameters in Stay On Tab.
Embossing | Debossing | Incising
Got a message to get across, NAFCEL can supply ends in all sizes with embossing, debossing, or incising.
Laser Etched Tabs
Ideal for Promotions, and special editions. Whether it’s a logo or a promotional code,
Laser Etched Tabs (LET) are the perfect way to interact with the consumer. Available on SOT
Ends in 200, 202 and 206 diameter.
Non-Reform & Others
NAFCEL manufactures several non-reform Ends in 200, 202, 206 and 209. The non-reform Ends are available in narrow aperture for milk,
Standard Ring Pull (SRP), Stay On Tab (SOT),
full aperture and many other designs.
Printed Shell
Enhance the design of your packaging with printed Shells. Ideal for promotions, special editions or just brand differentiation.
Available in a range of colours on both SRP and SOT Ends.
Internal print is available for SRP instant prize promotions.
Coloured Tabs
Want your packaging to stand out?
Why not go for a coloured Tab. Available in a
range of colours on both SRP and SOT Ends.
Coloured End
Want to really distinguish your brand from the rest.
Talk to us about coloured Ends.